Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, But Mostly Conversation

Finished the substantive edits yesterday of Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, But Mostly Conversation. Next comes copy edits and then PDF galleys. I see the book as a collage of Studs' life. Got to speak with over 100 people who knew Studs, some individuals were much closer to Studs than others of course. The list includes:

Ann Atwatter                                     Christy Hefner                       David Polk
Bill Ayers                                            Kenan Heise                          Danny Postel
John Ayers                                         Jim Hightower                       Jackie Rivers-Rivet
Rick Ayers                                          Pearl Hirshfield                     Steve Robinson
Lois Baum                                          Judy Hoffman                          Mark Rogovin
Ursula Bender                                  Deborah Holdstein                Don Rose
Audrie Berman                                 Dave Isay                               Penelope Rosemont
Timuel Black                                     Tony Judge                            David Royko
Ken Burns                                          Jamie Kalven                         Edward Sadlowski
Michael Cole                                      Angela Keil                             Anya Schiffrin
Jonathan Cott                                    Charles Keil                           Lena Schiffrin
Dan Schmidt                                      Kathy Kelly                            Daniel Schulman
Richard Davis                                    Phil Koch                                Stephen Schwartz
Robin Davis                                        Rick Kogan                             David Schwimmer
Carol De Giere                                   Alex Kotlowitz                        Clancy Segal
Hank De Zutter                                  Dennis Kucinich                    Art Shay
Bernardine Dohrn                            Florence Kuttner                   Eric Simonson
Bettina Drew                                     Peter Kuttner                           Alan Stein
George Drury                                     Dan LaBotz                             Tamara Tabb
Tom Dyja                                            Donna Blue Lachman           Donald Tait
Mike Edgerly                                     Mark Larson                          Flint Taylor
Tom Engelhardt                                Warren Leming                     Dan Terkell
Jules Feiffer                                       Jesse Lemisch                        Sandy Terkell
Hamilton Fish                                    Sydney Lewis                         Calvin Trillin
Frank Fried                                        Penny Lipschutz                    Katrina vanden Huevel
Jo Friedman                                       Roberta Lynch                       C.T. Vivian
Michael Frisch                                   Haki Madhubuti                    Laura Watson
Elizabeth Furse                                 Tony Macaluso                      Robert Watson
Tom Geohagen                                  Carol Marin                            Tom Weinberg
Todd Gitlin                                         Sandy McCall                         Bernice Weissbourd
Joy Gregory                                        Peter Meyer                           Haskell Wexler
Ronald Grele                                      J.R. Millares                            Patricia Williams
Jean Gump                                         Victor Navasky                       Phil Wizenick
Jerry Harris                                        Prexy Nesbit                          Wendy Wolf
Jeffrey Hass                                       Carolyn Nichols                     Quentin Young
Tom Hayden                                      Andrew Patner
Lloyd Haywood                                  John Platt

Chicagoan Kevin Coval has written an amazing foreword and I'm excited about the political activists, writers, union organizers, and even politicians that have agreed to write blurbs. Finally, will begin travel for the book with a trip to Chicago for the launch -- many more places to follow -- can't wait for the conversations.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Alan. My mother is on that list. FYI, she spells her name with a "K". At that time, it was "Karolyn Nichols", although she is now "Karolyn Burlando". (borked your name in the first comment :) )

  3. Hey Alan. My mother is on that list. FYI, she spells her name with a "K". At that time, it was "Karolyn Nichols", although she is now "Karolyn Burlando". (borked your name in the first comment :) )

  4. Hey Allen. My mother is on that list. FYI, she spells her name with a "K". At that time, it was "Karolyn Nichols", although she is now "Karolyn Burlando".
